Sated Cities – a workshop on the urban and sufficiency in Shanghai

By Tarjei Brekke, PhD student – MidWay On the 25th of October 2024, 09:00-17:00 Beijing time, the MidWay project hosted a full-day workshop at the Nordic Centre at Fudan University in Shanghai. The workshop, titled “Sated Cities? Probing sufficiency in digitalization, land-use and consumption in China’s urban centres” had a total of 12 participants, of… Read more »

The baseless fear of wicked problems: The story of the man from Qi

By Tarjei Brekke, PhD student ERC-MidWay Exploring the concept of sufficiency in China forces one’s feet to balance atop a crooked, rickety fence. On the one side, asking the everyperson on the street and in the teahouses about sustainability incites hour-long, sometimes heated, discussions about how the West and in particular the US only just… Read more »

MidWay China Workshop Group Work Takeaways and Action Points

In this last post in our series of updates from the multi-stakeholder workshop on “Urban food, sufficiency, and sustainable agriculture in China” held in August 2023, we will summarise some of the points from the group work at the very end of the workshop. The informative and engaging workshop presentations set the stage for the… Read more »

MidWay China Workshop Wet Market Discussion 

In the past two blog posts, we covered the first and the second parts of our workshop on Urban food, sufficiency, and sustainable agriculture in China. In this blog post, we delve deeper into the topic of wet markets, as they are placed at the intersection between food production and consumption, and the changes wet… Read more »

Part II: Animal agriculture, wet markets, pigs, and the pig industry

As mentioned in our first blogpost, the following series of posts will summarise the workshop on “Urban food, sufficiency, and sustainable agriculture in China” organised on August 26, 2023, in Guangzhou, China. This post covers the workshop’s second part, which focused on animal agriculture, wet markets, pigs, and the pig industry. The second part was initiated by… Read more »

Part I of MidWay China Workshop: Culture, takeaway foods, and dairy

As mentioned in our first blogpost, the following series of posts will summarise the workshop on “Urban food, sufficiency, and sustainable agriculture in China” organised on August 26, 2023, in Guangzhou, China. This post covers the first part of the workshop. The workshop started with inspiring opening remarks by Dr. Eva Sternfeld from the Sino-German… Read more »

MidWay China Workshop 26th August 2023: Workshop on “Urban food, sufficiency, and sustainable agriculture in China”

The MidWay Project is delighted to share our experience of hosting our first successful China workshop on “Urban food, sufficiency, and sustainable agriculture in China” on August 26, 2023. The workshop was organized by Marius Korsnes(马力)(PI), Dongming Xu, Wang Yu, Shuhua Chen, Wenjia Zhou, and Tarjei Brekke and Yu Cheng from NTNU in partnership with… Read more »

Funded by the European Union (ERC, MidWay, project 101041995). Views and opinions expressed are however those of the author(s) only and do not necessarily reflect those of the European Union or the European Research Council Executive Agency. Neither the European Union nor the granting authority can be held responsible for them.